Importing, Wholesale & Distribution.
In order to keep up with changing economic times Spud Valley Sporting Goods Ltd has been doing our own in house importing for the past 10 years. In recent years we have made some major inroads into the Asian and North American markets, where we find that by doing so we can stay competitive in the retail market place. A lot of major companies are now selling dealer direct and you can improve on this by going FACTORY DIRECT. In the last two years we have been selling to other businesses and are now offering a joint buy program for stores that are interested in joining with us to meet the minimum order quantities coming out of Taiwan and China.
Spud Valley will also be offering the service of liaison for members to exchange overstocked merchandise that is surplus to store needs that group members will be given a chance to acquire. Many times there are some real bargains sitting around in your inventory, and he will hopefully be able to match a buyer with a seller.
Questions + Inquiries:
Contact Spud Valley phone: 604-894-6630 email:
Spud Valley has warehousing in Richmond, Vancouver and Pemberton and shipments of your goods will be from one of these locations. If you have a retail, wholesale, or distribution outlet and would like more information about our factory direct buy program please contact us.
Strike Pro’s Flex X multi jointed swim bait was developed by Michael Tsai. This highly effective bait imitator is constructed of reinforced material and has flexibility similar to bicycle chain giving it a life like swimming action while providing strength and toughness required for taking very large fish. This swim bait is available in two sizes 12cm and 10cm and stocked by Spud Valley, your Canadian Strike Pro Distributor. Flex X revolutionized the idea of swim baits and is a prime target for predator fish, trout and salmon.